Krane Shares Trust - KraneShares CSI China Internet ETF

historical activity
Quarter Shares +/- Shares Change % Value($) % of Total value Avg Report Price($)
Q3 2024 9.8M +9.8M ↑100.00% 333.1M 19.59% 34.02
Q1 2024 130.0K +130.0K ↑100.00% 3.4M 0.4% 26.25
Q3 2023 3.3M +3.3M ↑100.00% 90.3M 4.84% 27.37
Q1 2023 7.8M +7.8M ↑100.00% 244.2M 13.49% 31.19
Q2 2022 1.7M +1.7M ↑100.00% 55.7M 7.19% 32.76
They also hold the same position
Appaloosa Management 2.1%