Zscaler Inc

historical activity
Quarter Shares +/- Shares Change % Value($) % of Total value Avg Report Price($)
Q3 2024 310.0K +90.0K ↑40.91% 53.0M 6.91% 170.94
Q2 2024 220.0K +140.0K ↑175.00% 42.3M 4.97% 192.19
Q1 2024 80.0K +80.0K ↑100.00% 15.4M 1.53% 192.63
Q1 2023 249.2K +219.2K ↑730.67% 29.1M 4.05% 116.83
Q4 2022 30.0K +30.0K ↑100.00% 3.4M 0.4% 111.90
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