Fedex Corp

historical activity
Quarter Shares +/- Shares Change % Value($) % of Total value Avg Report Price($)
Q2 2024 550.0K -50.0K ↓8.33% 164.9M 2.67% 299.84
Q1 2024 600.0K -50.0K ↓7.69% 173.8M 2.57% 289.74
Q4 2023 650.0K = = 164.4M 2.83% 252.97
Q3 2023 650.0K = = 172.2M 3.39% 264.92
Q2 2023 650.0K +300.0K ↑85.71% 161.1M 2.98% 247.90
Q1 2023 350.0K +350.0K ↑100.00% 80.0M 4.22% 228.49
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