Sirius XM Holdings Inc

historical activity
Quarter Shares +/- Shares Change % Value($) % of Total value Avg Report Price($)
Q3 2024 105.2M +105.2M ↑100.00% 2.5B 0.93% 23.65
Q2 2024 132.9M +96.2M ↑262.24% 376.0M 0.13% 2.83
Q1 2024 36.7M -3.6M ↓8.85% 142.3M 0.04% 3.88
Q4 2023 40.2M +30.6M ↑315.60% 220.1M 0.06% 5.47
Q3 2023 9.7M +9.7M ↑100.00% 43.8M 0.01% 4.52
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